Lene's picture-world cancels out all that we have become used to: the reliable top and bottom, as well as the opposing text as a reference to a limited pictorial area. Written with clever calculation, and relying on the rotation of the pictorial structures, we as observers are given different possibilities according to our different views and experiences. Numerous formal conditions must be brought together and form the prerequisites that allow the colourful, topographic and puzzle-like picture parts to fall together into new and sensible pictures. The surrounding text occasionally lend support to the possible associations.

The observer becomes irritated. He or she discovers the openness and the impossibility to reach a conclusion about the pictures. If he or she, however, enjoys this game of always finding new ways of interpretation and is prepared to gives up the expectation of a definitive conclusion then he or she will have a good opportunity to enjoy the intellectual pleasure of Lene's sphinx-like pictures.

Prof. Walter Barth
Polytechnic of Schwäbisch Gmünd 1998